Page 117 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 117

Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management

            Stakeholder Engagement

            Saba and St Eustatius Conduct CXC® Examinations     Candidates and Parents were also targeted in a subsequent
            On 2 December 2020, the Caribbean Examinations Council   series which included webinars on the logistics of examinations
            (CXC®) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science   and various subject topics. Webinars were conducted on: An
            of the Netherlands  formalised an agreement  to conduct   Overview of the e-Testing Process; Tips and Guidelines for
            examinations and award certificates and diplomas through   Sitting Multiple Choice Exams; Managing the Online Learning
            the sole secondary and vocational institutions in Saba and   Experience: Support for Parents with Students at Home; Online
            St Eustatius. Through CXC®, students of the Gwendoline van   Etiquette: Dos and Donts for the Online Student; Going Back to
            Putten School in St. Eustatius and the Saba Comprehensive   School During Covid-19: Student Strategies for Adapting to the
            School will now have access to the CXC® Caribbean Certificate   New Normal; Tips for Examination Success: CSEC® English B;
            of Secondary Level Competence® (CCSLC®), the Caribbean   Commercial Shipping: Important Facts about Shipping Policies
            Secondary Education Certificate® (CSEC®) and the Caribbean   and Port Operations; Customer Service Factors in Logistics and
            Advanced Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®), as well as   Supply Chain Operation and Logistics and the Environment.
            the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities
            (CANTA) Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ*).   The final webinar series addressed the logistics of the 2020
                                                                Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ*) assessment
            Agreements such as this one with the Ministry of Primary and   process. Webinars were geared towards Ministry Officials,
            Secondary Education and Media of the Netherlands, allow   school administrators, teachers, candidates and internal
            CXC® to work collaboratively with stakeholders to prepare the   verifiers.
            region’s youth for further development. CXC’s products and
            services are not new to the Caribbean Netherlands, CSEC®   *Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ*) is the trademark
            examinations have been conducted in Saba for over 25 years.  of the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities.
                                                                CXC® is one of the National Training Agencies in the Caribbean
            STAKEHOLDER WEBINARS                                which awards CVQs.
            The  Syllabus  and  Curriculum  Development  Division
            spearheaded three stakeholder webinar series to assist
            Ministry Officials, teachers, school administrators, candidates
            and  parents  in  the  adoption  of  virtual  learning  practices  to
            which many were unaccustomed. The information shared was
            designed to put stakeholders at ease and provide practice in
            the skills which came to the fore during online instruction and
            assessment. The first series  for teachers included sessions
            on Hosting Live Sessions, Creating Student-Paced online
            Lessons, Creating Engaging Online Discussions and Making
            Video Lessons Interactive.

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