Page 121 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 121
Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management
Digital Presence Evolving in 2020
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) has experienced lows users to quickly locate the information they are searching
steady growth in Its digital presence in 2020 as it continues to for. A notable increase in direct traffic (35 percent) which also
engage with a variety of stakeholders in a multitude of online demonstrates the brand recognition of the URL, and
platforms. These include social media, mobile, live streaming, our marketing efforts.
webinars, Intranet and websites to reach more than 600,000
users a month. In total, more than six million stakeholders have engaged
CXC® via its various online platforms. This has been stream-
The newly redesigned corporate website ( remains lined via our strategic use of Freshdesk - an online cloud-
the most widely subscribed avenue for our stakeholders to ac- based customer service software which provides helpdesk
quire information and educational resources. When compared support. Through analytics, Freshdesk has provided CXC- with
with the corresponding period in 2019, the average pages the data needed to reveal trends and issues, which inform the
people viewed during a browsing session on our website in- way we address our stakeholders.
creased by 41 per cent. and the percentage of new visitors
has Increased by 43 per cent. This increase can be attributed Throughout 2020, CXC® has utilised social media to inform
to establishment of Student Central which makes browsing and engage its users by providing current news, live streams,
easier for students. webinars, educational and inspirational messages, and to am-
plify posts from our partner institutions. Facebook remains
Our website analytics reveal that the main source of our web our most dominant platform reaching a nearly 900,000 us-
traffic Is via organic search. More than 55 per cent of our users ers. Our Facebook audience has grown by 11,000 users. Our
are driven by specific keyword searches, illustrating the crucial next largest growth has been experienced on Instagram with
nature of efficient Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which al- 5,000 new users being added, while our Twitter presence has
also grown steadily.
On YouTube, our us-
ers have watched the
equivalent of 363 days
of video content.
As we move into 2021,
our goal is to relaunch
a newly redesigned
website alongside a
new Artificial Intelli-
gence driven chat bot
to better engage our