Page 19 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 19

World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            COVID-19 LOCKDOWN                                   Table 10 - Queries Submitted
            62.  During the period of the examinations, the Government                                    %
                                                                                Number of    Subject
               of Belize declared a state of Public Emergency in   Examination                          Queries
                                                                                  Queries    Entries
               two areas of the country, Blue Creek and San Felipe                                     Received
               Villages.  This prohibited candidates from moving   CAPE®            945      119,365      0.71%
               throughout  certain  villages  and thus  preventing  them   CSEC®    2,174    554,174     0.39%
               from accessing examination centres for the CSEC® and
                                                                 Total              3,119   673,539      0.46%
               CAPE® examinations.  The State of Emergency was lifted
               on 24 July and affected a total of 14 candidates. The   65.  In support of the high volume of post results reviews
               Local Registrar in Guyana also reported that there were   additional channels were offered to stakeholders to make
               candidates who were affected by a lockdown.          their submissions to CXC, this multi-channel approach

                                                                    allowed  stakeholders  to  communicate  with  CXC®  using
            63.  The 14 candidates who were unable to write the     their platform of choice.
               examinations will be allowed to register at the next sitting
               without incurring any additional costs.

            Post Results – Review
            64.  Following the issue of preliminary results on September
               22nd, 2020, CXC®  received an abnormally high number
               of queries and requests for reviews.

            Table 9 - Reviews Requested
                              Total     Subject
              Examination                          Reviews
                             Reviews    Entries
             CAPE®             11,551    119,365     9.93%
             CSEC®            10,055    55,4174      0.81%
             Total           21,606    673,539       3.21%

   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24