Page 14 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 14


            World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            38.  The distribution process for semi-secure material was   42.  The Council also established a Bring-Your-Own-Device
               interrupted as national lockdowns took effect in Barbados   (BYOD) policy which allowed candidates to use their own
               and Jamaica.  The printing of the candidates’ individual   devices during the examinations.  This policy included
               timetables was delayed furthered awaiting the finalised   stringent guidelines to ensure that this adoption would not
               timetable dates.  Fortunately, the timetables were printed   facilitate fraud.  To this end, candidates wishing to make
               in adequate time for distribution. Similar to last year, about   use of this policy were required to present their device
               half of the printing activities was assigned to the Western   for inspection prior to the examination and were required
               Zone Office.                                         to consent to the possible removal of any unauthorised
                                                                    materials.  It should be noted that during the examination,
            Electronic Testing                                      the activation of the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) would
            39.   In keeping with the Council’s strategy of expanding its   prevent candidates from accessing other materials.   Only
               e-Testing programme, orientation and training sessions   one centre in Jamaica utilised this facility.
               were held for new Ministry officials and Chief Invigilators.
               Due to the restrictions brought on by the pandemic   43.  Local Registrars in the territories in which Thin Client
               most of the training was conducted virtually.  There was   technology is currently deployed: Guyana, Jamaica,
               one onsite session held in March in Barbados.  CXC®   Trinidad & Tobago participated in a webinar designed to
               management is very pleased with the interest generated   demonstrate the use of this technology with the e-testing
               in the e-testing modality as the first webinar on e-testing   platform.  However, this modality was not used in 2020.
               conducted attracted more than 10 000 registrants.
                                                                44.  Table 6 shows the distribution of test sessions and
            40.  There was continued improvement in the test publication   territories that participated in e-Testing for the July-August
               process between the e-QBank and the e-Testing platform   cycle by Level. There was 31% decrease in the number of
               this cycle, and all tests were deployed as planned and   examinations sat in electronic mode when compared to
               started on schedule.                                 the May-June 2019 period.  It should be noted that there
                                                                    were four subjects which all candidates were required to
            41.  During the July-August 2020 session, the LIVE e-Testing   write electronically: CAPE® Animation & Gaming, CAPE®
               platform performed well.  A version control issue with the   Digital Media, CSEC® EDPM and CSEC® Information
               Safe Exam Browser (SEB) proved to be a major challenge   Technology Paper 3/2.
               for some territories. This problem arose because of a
               change made by the software provider without prior
               notification.   Minor challenges with failed infrastructure
               (power, internet and devices) were compensated for by
               allocating ‘incident extra-time’.  In a few cases, candidates
               reverted to the paper examination.

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