Page 15 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 15

World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            Table 6 - e-Testing Candidates - Paper 1 and Paper 3/2  The recommended COVID-19 protocols were enforced
                                     No. of                         in the interest of safety for the candidates as well as
                        No. of                  No. of TESTS
              Level               SUBJECTS/                         all persons involved in the administration. Guidelines
                     TERRITORIES                   SAT
                                                                    were provided for candidates, Oral examiners and
                     2019   2020  2019  2020    2019   2020
             CAPE®     15    15    32     36    5,447  6,298
             CSEC®     19    18     31    35   37,504  22,802   47.  The enhanced e-SBA system was deployed in February-
             CCSLC®    3      4     5      4     285     931        March 2020 with some minor teething problems. Some
             Total                            43,236  30,031        of the additional features provided through the updated
                                                                    application included:
            45.  The following should be noted:                     (i)   an improved file up-loading facility. This was
               (i)   CPEA™ specimen papers were posted on the CXC®     necessary because of the requirement that all e-SBA
                   website to enable  candidates to prepare  for the   samples be submitted in 2020;
                   electronic exams;                                (ii)  a drag-and-drop facility to enable the upload of all
               (ii)  the CPEA™ examination was offered electronically for   samples from the centres; and
                   the first time.  Candidates from Anguilla and Suriname   (iii)  additional reports were included to facilitate easy
                   participated;                                       monitoring of files uploaded, and missing files:
               (iii)  candidates from the Turks and Caicos Islands sat the   a)  SBA – Candidates to Upload.  This report
                   CSEC® examinations online for the first time;           provides the sequence number and name of
               (iv)  the e-testing platform was used by candidates who,    the candidates to be uploaded. The report also
                   because of COVID-19, were unable to return to the       provides the candidate number to be used
                   region to write the examinations.  The Local Registrars   when naming the files uploaded for candidates
                   arranged proctoring facilities for those examinations.  who completed a Group SBA.  This is especially
                                                                           critical when uploading the SBA completed by a
            School Based Assessment and Oral Examinations                  group.
            46.  Online Orals - a lockdown was implemented in the      b)  SBA – Summary of Candidates Uploaded. This
               territories of the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Montserrat,     report provides the total number of candidates
               and Turks and Caicos, in response to the effects of the     who have files uploaded for each subject.
               COVID-19  pandemic.    This  resulted  in  challenges  with   c)  SBA – Candidates with Files Uploaded.  This
               the administration of the CSEC® Modern Language             report provides a list of the candidates who have
               Oral examinations. To facilitate the administration of the   files uploaded.
               examinations for those candidates who were negatively   (iv)  The facility to upload CCSLC® samples. This was
               affected, an online examination was offered via the Zoom   implemented for the first time.
               platform.   It must be noted that this was the first time this
               medium was used to administer CXC’s Oral examinations.   48.  While the feedback was generally positive, initial

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