Page 16 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
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World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
challenges were faced with some of the reports used to Marking Operations
identify the required samples along with the confirmation 53. In the July/August 2020 session, CXC® continued to use
messages on file uploads. RM™ Assessor for all script types (e-Course Work, e-Scripts
and p-Scripts). Since very few Paper 02 examinations
49. To avoid issues with unknown file formats, a list of were offered in 2020, marking consisted mainly of the
subjects for which zipped-file uploads would be allowed, marking of SBA samples uploaded by the centres. This
was provided. was an extended process, since in some instances, the
work of all candidates from some centres was remarked
50. The pandemic disrupted the school schedules generally, to ensure that the quality requirements were met.
and created significant issues for the administration of
CXC’s regional examinations. The Council adopted the 54. Owing to the modified approach, the additional scrutiny of
following modified strategy for the 2020 sitting to ensure SBA was required. Therefore, all samples were required
valid, secure and reliable results: for upload. The marking process was strengthened by
(i) administration of at least one common paper (Multiple including Supervisory Examiners to manage groups of
Choice Assessments); markers therefore improving the monitoring of the SBA
(ii) School-based Assessments (SBAs) and Paper 032s marking. An additional report (Moderator/Teacher Mark
(Alternative to SBA) for private candidates; and difference report) was also designed which included the
(iii) award final grades based on the moderated SBAs mark assigned by the teacher and moderator as well as
and Multiple-Choice Papers. the difference in the scores awarded. This enabled the
quality of marking to be continuously reviewed, and
51. As a result of the modified examination strategy, there samples where the marking was outside the stipulated
was no random sampling in either CSEC® or CAPE® for tolerance, could be easily identified and re-marked.
2020. Instead, all SBA were required to be uploaded
for all candidates registered for subjects with an SBA Absenteeism
component. CXC® continued with onsite moderation as 55. This year, absenteeism has been lowest over the last
in previous years. For those CSEC® and CAPE® subjects three years for CSEC® and CAPE®.
normally moderated on-site, Council conducted audits
across all centres and subjects. 56. The highest absenteeism for CAPE® was in the following
52. The on-site verification was largely facilitated by the (i) Building and Mechanical Engineering Drawing
development of “The Moderation Sample Validation App” (BMED) which was 16.3%; and those subjects which
which assisted the Moderator/Verifier in determining were greater than 5% but less than 15% were:
whether or not the assessment of the SBAs was a) Agricultural Science Units 1 and 2
acceptable. b) Art and Design Unit 1
c) All BMED subjects
d) Environmental Science Unit 1
e) Entrepreneurship Unit 1