Page 10 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 10
World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
17. The responses to Question 44 on the CSEC® Physics and St. Lucia submitted Paper 1s, Paper 2s and Paper 3/2s
Paper 010 examination consisted of arrows. These were electronically. Overall, there was a 144% increase in the
missing on the electronic examination. The omission was total e-Test sittings. Table 2 and 3 shows the distribution
rectified before the papers were delivered to candidates of candidates and territories during the last 4 years and
who, because of their location (time zone), commenced Territories registered for the e-Testing examinations for
the examination later. The matter was referred to the January 2020.
Subject Awards Committee (SAC) and Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC) who will recommend the action to be NO. OF
NO. OF %
taken regarding the 37 candidates who were affected. SESSION E-TESTS
18. The marking operation progressed reasonably well with 2017 7 536
CSEC® English A Paper 02, CSEC® Chemistry Paper 032 2018 9 609 14%
and CSEC® Human and Social Biology (atypical script)
2019 9 572 -6%
marking one day later. For all subjects, sufficient data
2020 11 1,064 86%
was available, enabling the Subject Committees to have
Table 2 - Distribution of e-Testing Candidates and Territories
meaningful discussions with the TAC.
Electronic Testing TERRITORY
010 020 032
19. Several training workshops, including on-site workshops
in Jamaica, were delivered in the last quarter of 2019 to Antigua and Barbuda √
support e-Testing in 2020. During the January session, Anguilla √ √ √
four centres reported issues where the candidates had to Barbados √
revert to the paper tests. No centres opted for the offline Belize √ √ √
modality in the January sitting. Cayman Islands √
Dominica √ √ √
20. Structured tests and extended essays were offered during
Grenada √
this sitting. Candidates registered for five (5) Paper 2s and
Jamaica √ √ √
three (3) Paper 3/2s this session. The Paper 2s sat were
Montserrat √
English A, English B, Human and Social Biology, Principles
of Business and Social Studies and the Paper 032s were St. Kitts and Nevis √ √
English A, English B and Principles of Business. St. Lucia √ √
Table 3 - Territories Registered for Electronic Examinations in
January 2020
21. Jamaica and Dominica achieved milestones in this session
as candidates wrote Paper 032 for the first time. Antigua,
22. One Local Registrar has reported that based on the
Barbuda, Cayman Islands, Grenada and Montserrat sat
efficiency of the testing process, she is looking forward to
Paper 01 only while St. Kitts and Nevis submitted Paper
being able to offer all examinations in the e-testing mode.
01s and Paper 032s. Anguilla, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica