Page 13 - A Picture of my Island
P. 13

A Picture of My Island Life

          The class felt a little sad at the end so Mrs Grimm

          soon  cheered  us  up  by  reading  us  a  cheerful
          poem about summer vacation. Soon the bell rang

          and it was time to go home. I thanked Anna and

          Tia for letting me spend the day with them. I saw

          the picture frame at the end of the school garden

          and ran straight into it. I was back with Mom and

          Then some friends of my parents came to join our

          table. I decided to look at more paintings. I didn’t

          fancy grown up talk. I was drawn to a painting of

          a forest scene with mountains in the background.
          There were birds flying up high in the sky and a

          waterfall with children swimming in a pond at the

          bottom of it.

          Dark  View  Falls  was  the  name  carved  in  the

          intricate picture frame. I recognized the waterfall
          as we had been there on a school trip. I wanted to

          join  the  school  kids  and  into  the  painting  I

          jumped. I landed right in the pond, splash! I was

          wet. How would I explain this to Mom and Dad?

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