Page 12 - A Picture of my Island
P. 12

A Picture of My Island Life

         Poem: Injured Bird
         By Juliet Nile Mitchell Moubayed

         9 years 6 months old (grade 5)

         Tweet, tweet, fly up high,

         up high into the rainbow dazzling sky.
         We all knew that when you awoke

         we would not hear a sound, not even a croak.

         Your  little  round  green  eyes  moved  with  your  tiny
         brown wings

         as the sun shone behind your head.

         The next morning sun arose

         And so did a little red rose.
         I picked it and lay it beside your wing

         hoping when you found it you would sing.

         Every day I came to your nest,

         but one day you were in a deep rest.
         I tried to wake you, I tried so hard

         But we had to bury you in the backyard.

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