Page 7 - A Picture of my Island
P. 7

A Picture of My Island Life

         I liked the one with the boats racing. It looked like

         the  Bequia  Easter  Regatta.  I  did  what  I  had  done
         last  time.  I  looked  at  the  picture  really  hard  and

         shut my eyes really tight until all I could hear was

         the sound of the waves.

         My  eyes  opened.  I  was  on  a  small  double-ender
         sailing boat with an old blanket for a sail. I let my

         hair go loose. I could smell the fresh air.

         Back on the bay I heard people chanting the name

         of my little boat: go Star Gazer go, go Star Gazer.
         I  looked  behind  me.  I  realized  I  was  in  the  lead.

         I had just won.

         Wow!  I  was  handed  a  medal.  I  gave  the  other

         players a high-five to show good sportsmanship.

         Then as I strolled along the beach I saw a picture

         frame in a sea grape tree. I looked through it and

         saw the restaurant and climbed back in.

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