Page 6 - A Picture of my Island
P. 6
A Picture of My Island Life
I thought to myself: “I wish I was one of those
pretty dancers”.
I closed my eyes for a long time and the jazz
music of the restaurant turned into steel pan
music. I opened my eyes. I was wearing a carnival
costume identical to the one in the picture.
My legs began to move and, before I knew it,
I was dancing and prancing in tune to the
melody: ping pong, ping pong.
Then I realized we were on stage. It was the
competition for the best carnival costume. All of a
sudden I was scared. One of the dancers noticed
and said to me, “Just close yo eyes and move wid
de music”. It was magical.
When the music stopped we ran off stage. I saw
the picture frame and jumped through it. I no
longer had on my carnival outfit but the dinner
clothes I was wearing before. I quickly had my fish
chowder and ran to see the other paintings.
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