Page 10 - A Picture of my Island
P. 10

A Picture of My Island Life

         Question  1)  What  is  the  national  flower  of

         St Vincent and the Grenadines?

         Answer: The Soufriere Tree flower of course. I knew

         the answer.

         Next question, what is the name of the St Vincent

         parrot? The Amazona Guildingi, right again. When

         did St Vincent and the Grenadines change from the
         coat of arms flag to the present flag? Now this was

         harder,  but  I  am  usually  good  with  dates.  But  I

         simply  couldn’t  remember.  I  thought  to  ask  my

         parents. I closed my eyes and found myself back at

         the dinner table.

         “Mom,  do  you  remember  when  the  flag  was


         “Yes I do, I was about your age when it changed.

         1985 I believe”.

         “Mom, can I tell you  what the  colours  in the  flag

         “Of course Lilly”, Mom answered.

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