Page 23 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
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has raised the bar and set new served and restored pre-Civil War tion—with custom woven carpets
standards for restoring and re- interiors in the nation. The paint and curtains, decorates the remain-
visioning historic places through and varnish finishes are original ing six rooms of the home. Many
this outstanding restoration.” and have never been over-painted. of the furnishings can be used by
Art conservators gently cleaned and guests during tours and events. A
MID-19TH CENTURY GEM repaired plaster cracks and flaking period bedroom includes Ann Win-
Visitors know they are in a paint with the same care used to pre- dle’s beautiful collection of bird’s
special place as soon as they step serve the Sistine Chapel ceiling fres- eye and tiger stripe maple furniture.
through the massive 12-foot tall coes. The matching light fixtures are The Windle Decorative Arts Collec-
front door. They see a three-story original and have been conserved tion features a select group of some
spiral staircase winding gracefully and rewired. The original family of the couple’s favorite antiques.
up through the center of the 16- furniture, seen in historic photos of Many local craftspeople contributed
foot high entry hall adorned with the room, was donated by Shrews- to this award winning restoration,
intricate plaster molding and lit with bury descendants. Four 19 century including furniture conservation and
restored original chandeliers, while Shrewsbury family oil portraits hang repair, fabricating custom replica
a replica, hand-painted floorcloth— on original nails. One large mirror is wood components, making period
decorated to look like tile—covers original and one is a replica. A his- curtains, painting, wallpapering,
the floor. The restored rose colored toric mill in England replicated the and much more.
walls reflect light through the hall colorful, floral patterned, wool car- For more information visit
giving it an airy feel. Period antique pet using Shrewsbury family photos.,
furnishings complete the beautiful Replica curtains and valances trim go to Historic Madison, Inc. on
scene. Other treasures await the the 10-foot tall windows.
Facebook., email hmi@
interested guests during a tour or
program at this rare, restored Amer-
or call (812) 265-2967.
ican jewel. A mix of historic furnishings—
The home’s Drawing Rooms are from the Shrewsbury family and
among the most accurately con- from the Windle’s antiques collec-
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