Page 26 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 26

                                                                                              SHOP. STAY.


                                        WHERE CAN YOU FIND HIP COFFEE SHOPS, UPSCALE BOUTIQUES,
                                        VINTAGE HOME DÉCOR STORES, A MICROBREWERY, PAINTING
                                        CLASSES, FREE OUTDOOR CONCERTS, GOURMET DINING, AND
                                        THE LARGEST CONTIGUOUS HISTORIC DISTRICT IN THE NATION?

                                        LOOK NO FURTHER THAN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MADISON,
                                        WHERE SHOPPING, DINING, AND ENTERTAINMENT ABOUND.

            WITH OVER 94% OF ALL            join in on a game of trivia (Thursday   Marketplace is located on the West
            commercial spaces filled with   nights at 6:30 PM), and maybe even   end of downtown, where Madison is
            unique and thriving businesses,   catch a glimpse of their Brewmaster   experiencing vast growth. There you
                                            concocting the latest creation.   will find fantastic restaurants, coffee
            Downtown Madison is currently
                                              Another new downtown business   shops, home décor and clothing
            seeing one of its all-time lowest
                                            makes you feel like you’re stepping   stores, sewing essentials, a pottery
            vacancy rates.
                                            directly onto the set of HGTV’s    painting studio, and more!
            NEW CHOICES                     “Fixer Upper.” As you enter Olde
                                                                            SUPREME VARIETY
              Several new businesses, from   Tyme Marketplace at 801 W. Main
            across different market sectors,    St., you are sure to find one-of-a-  If you think the West end of town
            have joined the downtown commu-  kind treasures for your home and   is great, then you will be pleasantly
            nity over the past few years. One   garden. Olde Tyme Marketplace   surprised to find that there is still
            of the newest being Mad Paddle   owner, Beth Lewis, has created   much more to discover in the rest
            Brewery—a microbrewery focus-   a visually stunning store that is   of downtown with over 80 local-
            ing on flavorful small-batch brews.   packed to the brim with beautiful   ly-owned businesses—ranging
            Head to 301 West St. where you can   home décor, garden wares, clothing,   from upscale salons and spas to
            grab a glass of their newest beers,   accessories, and more. Olde Tyme   vintage-inspired boutiques, specialty

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