Page 27 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 27

food and gift stores, handmade jew-  you will find cupcakes, cookies, ice   Mad Paddle Brewery (Thursdays at
            elry, antiques, and the list goes on.   cream, cake, pie, frozen yogurt, and   6:30 PM) or Off Broadway Taproom
            You’re sure to find unique items.  handmade chocolates. For dinner,   (Wednesdays at 6 PM). During the
                                            there are several options ranging   Spring and Summer months, partic-
                                            from a gourmet meal prepared by   ipate in free events offered during
              As you spend your days shop-  a Food Network featured chef to   Fourth Fridays (5-8 PM, April-
            ping in downtown, you will also run   a juicy burger at a local favorite   November), or catch a free outdoor
            across some outstanding restau-  hangout, and nearly everything in-  movie at Bicentennial Park during
            rants. With over 20 options from
                                            between. Whatever you’re craving,   “Mayor’s Movies in the Park.”
            which to choose, there is something   you’re sure to find it downtown.
            for all tastes and occasions. For your                          FESTIVALS GALORE
            morning caffeine fix, head to one of                              In addition to being home to all
            the three Main Street coffee shops.   When it comes to after dinner   of these wonderful shops, restau-
            Each location provides guests with   entertainment, downtown Madison   rants, and venues all year long,
            a unique (and delicious) experience.   is the place to be. The music scene in   Madison also plays host to a large
            And no cup of coffee is complete   Madison is always active. Very few   number of special events through-
            without a donut. Recently voted   nights go by—weekday or week-  out the year. With events for car
            Madison’s Best Sweet Treats, ven-  end—where you won’t find live   and boat enthusiasts, art collectors,
            ture to Horst’s Little Bakery Haus   music downtown. You can become a   foodies, and more, you are sure to
            at 843 W. Main St., where you will   part of the show at open mic night,   find something for everyone.
            find donuts of all shapes and sizes.   join the fun at a themed event at    So whether you are a long-time
            For lunch, choose from a wide vari-  one of the local wineries, or dance   local resident, recently relocated, or
            ety of local eateries featuring fresh   the night away at a Main Street   just passing through on a romantic
            and tasty menu offerings. If you’re   concert hall. If you’re looking for   getaway, family vacation, or day
            looking for something sweet, the   something a little different, test your   trip, be sure to make downtown one
            options seem endless. Downtown   knowledge during trivia night at   of your destinations! 

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