Page 31 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 31
Photos by Beejay Elles
Set Sail for Adventure
at Hargan-Matthews Park!
Located along the Madison riverfront at the intersec- tal in its completion. Multiple corporate, community and
tion of West Street and Vaughn Drive, this all-inclusive individual donors also contributed to the project, with
riverboat-themed playground, completed in 2018, is de- the Community Foundation of Madison and Jefferson
signed for children of all abilities. In addition to the “S.S. County offering major support.
Madison”—a large play structure complete with replica Anticipating ongoing maintenance needs and future
steamboat stacks—the fully fenced-in space features an park updates, the Friends of Hargan-Matthews Park has
accessible soft surface, multiple swings (including baby set up a donor-advised fund at the Community Founda-
swings, a parent-child swing, and wheelchair swing), tion, where tax-deductible donations can be made. This
merry-go-round, interactive play panels, and more. The fund will help support the park in perpetuity, ensuring a
park also offers picnic tables, access to restrooms at near- place for area children to gather for years to come.
by Bicentennial Park, and a beautiful view of the Ohio
River. It is directly across the street from the Madison EMBRACING ALL ABILITIES AND AGES
River Walk and is within walking distance to downtown, Hargan-Matthews Park was designed for children
the Heritage Trail system, and Crystal Beach Pool. aged 5-12 but is fun for children of all ages. It is open
from dawn to dusk, in accordance with Madison Parks
A COMMUNITY PROJECT Department guidelines. The park’s many accessible fea-
Spearheaded by the all-volunteer Friends of Har- tures allow children of all abilities to play together, and
gan-Matthews Park group, which raised more than it is a community gathering place for residents and vis-
$200,000 to fund the construction, the park is owned and itors. To learn more, contact the Madison Parks Depart-
operated by the City of Madison, which was instrumen- ment at 812-265-8308 or visit
Photo by Bill Jones, Wonderland Studios