Page 16 - DILMUN 9
P. 16

Over the course of a month the kiln is packed   The firing chamber is reached from above
             with as many as 3,000 small items and 50 large   and also from the fire pit below. After one
             ones ; all piled on top of each other. When the   day of cooling, the hole in the top is uncovered,
             kiln is packed, the hole in the roof is sealed   and the potters anxiously look down to see if
             ready for the firing. The fire is started in the   the firing has been a success. Two days later
             early evening and for 15 hours between 45-60   the pots are cool enough to be removed.
             gallons of used car oil is trickled into the fire
             pit to burn. For approximately 4 hours wood                                  A- • ■ t -
                                                                                            . ■ f-
             and dried palm leaves are then thrown into the                                          ■ V.
             pit at 10 minute intervals. Up to 7 years ago                                      rr -
             only wood was used for the fire. There is no
             temperature gauge ; the potter looks through a                                          Y
             crack at the colour of the glowing pots and
             when experience tells him they are ready, the
             firing stops. Two days later the pots are cool
             enough to be removed. The potter climbs into
             the kiln and passes out the pots which are
             carried down the hill, and placed in suitable
             containers ready for examination by would be

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                                           ■Wf-M                The decline in the trade is illustrated by
                        Mr                                   the fact that Abdul Rahim, .the oldest potter
                                                             can remember when there were several more
                                                             wheels in the village feeding many more kilns
                                                             which were fired as often as twice a week. Now
                                                             there are only three potters, four wheels, one
                                                             large kiln which is fired only once a month and
                                                             a small one which he fires occasionally. Should
                                                             pottery be a dying trade in Bahrain ?
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