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                         By Patricia Gibbs

                 Photographs by Mr. Chris Maier

             Pottery has been produced in A’Ali for
           hundreds of years ; the methods of production
           have changed little over the course of time.
           The ware, up to now has been unglazed, a
           feature which in our time has lead to such a
           decline in the sales of pottery that what was
           once a trade is now only a tourist attraction.
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                                                                   The powder is immersed in salty
                                                         water, screened again and left as slurry to
                                                         mature for two days. When .this relatively
                                                         short maturation is over, the clay is kneaded,
                                                          using both feet and hands, for up to four hours
          .   -•                                         to exclude all air. Lumps weighing between
                                                          ten to fifteen kilos are taken for use on the
            Process of Manufacture at A’Ali. Clay is
          dug at Rifa’a and taken to the pottery as small
          hard lumps where it is ground and sieved into
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