Page 406 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 406
totaL stages.
1 & m. The road passes a cluster of small stone- and
mud-built houses of the Hudheil, with small
fruit-plantations ; it then runs over uneven
barren ground.
m. The track descends a steep declivity.
l| m. The declivity is left and more open ground is
li m. Enter Wadi Mohram (Wadi Haram), a fertile
valley full of fruit trees, with a few cultivated
fields watered from wells.
Follow the wadi down and pass a small town and
a village almost entirely in ruins, on a slope
close to the road.
11m. Wadi Mohram is left, the track then crossing
uneven mountainous ground with acacia
trees in the valleys.
21 m. The track ascends a hill, at the summit of
which Ta’if comes into view, and crosses the
barren sandy plain lying between the hills
and the town.
72 30 TA’IF, town ; see I, p. 126 f.
The War Office Report gives the following description of the
section of the route between Mecca and ‘Arafat:
total. stages.
MECCA, town ; see I, pp. 123 ff.
2 m. Md'abdah, the northern suburb of Mecca,
li m. Abtah. The route passes Rushud, about
J m. on.
2 m. Mudarraj el-Annual, a series of steps.
1 m. Birkat es-Salam. A little distance on, pass
Mudarraj eth-Thani, a second series of steps,
i m. Mina (Muna) village, in traversing which
the route passes, successively, the three
Minhadir Iblis, or pillars of Satan; see
above, p. 203.
The road now follows JFadi Ncir.
9 l
m. Mezdelifah. The route passes the Nakhsha-
bein, two mountains opposite each other;
Bazdn, where there is water from the Zobei-