Page 412 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 412

         208                        WESTERN ROUTES

         total, stages]
                         Dir. E., leaving the Wadi Kara and traversing the
          125 10       Wadi Larimah ; camp at pool in wadi. Track continue.-,
                               over hurrah.
          149 24       Wadi Raniyah (or Ranyah) ; the Sherif camped in the

                               upper course of the wadi, above the settled part
                               where the Raniyah villages of the Sebei: tribe,
                               with their date-groves, are situated. No details
                               are given of the following stage.
          159 10      [No name given for halting-place.]
                         Dir. SE.
                              8 m. wells and running water in a wadi are passed.
          179 20      Camp in Yuklub country.

                         Dir. S., over open semi-desert country without settled
                               inhabitants, to the Wadi Bishah in which are
                               numerous villages.
                              8 m. Nakhai‘, village.
                              4 m. Dowar, village.
          197 18      Camp in Wadi Bishah ; for description, see I, p. 142.

           The following is an Alternative Route via ‘Aqiq, based on data
        given by Tamisier. His times, both for stages and totals, are given
        in hours. No attempt has been made to compute distances in
        miles, since, in a footnote to his description of the route, Tamisier
        himself says that to ‘ use his table of times to this purpose would bo
        valueless ; it only gives the length of time which would be necessary
        for an expedition to cover the distance ’. The geography of the
        district through which the route runs is confused.

        total, stages.
                      TA’IF, town ; see I, p. 126 f.
                         Dir. E., passing at 1 hr. the country house of the
                               Sherif. The road goes up first over even ground,
                               then over a succession of hills.
            5     5 Liyah (or Layah), village in a valley running ENE. to
                               WSW. ; it consists of houses grouped round
                               a hill, which is surmounted by a fort flanked b\
                               towers commanding the road. A stream attei
                               rain (running E.) and numerous wells furni>h
                               water for the irrigation of gardens and fields.
                         Dir. E. by S. down the valley, at tire end of "huh
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