Page 101 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 101

imortant settlements included Bilad A Oadim, A'Ali, Sar and smaller illages in ٤he

northern art of the island. By the 12th century the main ton moed from Bilad A

Oadin to Manama, and here ere oer  illages in Bahrain. Pearling increased ‫ﻭﺯ‬

imortance along ith cultiation of dates, cotton, cereals, cros, and lemons.

Date-honey as exorted during this time eriod.

    The imortance of agriculture gre during this time eriod ith the hel of the
qaats hieh ere an extensie system of underground ater channels used to
transort ater from srings for irrigation. The qaats ere alled and roofed ith
slabs of sea-stone. They ran as dee as six metres belo ground leel and ere
intersected at interals ith chimney-lie shafts.

    Under lslam, the decoratie use of Arabic riting on architecture and furniture
became a fine art. t has been said that the ords of the holy Our'an ere so reered
that the ery riting of them became a source of artistic insiration. Decoratie
lslamic inscritions on Bahraini graestones from A hamis mosques in Bahrain are
on dislay. The exhibit also examines the ariety of scrits used in these inscritions.
The early lslamic inscritions (th-8th centuries A٠D) are in uife scrit hich si
ang‫ﻫ‬lar and runs in straight lines. By the 9th century A٠D. the to of the sie of
some letters ere adorned ith floral elements and floers filled emty saces. By
the 12th cenutry A.D. a ne style as being used, nash thulth, hich is cursie and
is not restricted to the line.

The oldest mosque in Bahrain is the remaining second hase of the ]A Khgmis

Arabic Writing on Architectural Feature Hail of Tylos and lslam
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