Page 102 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 102
ossibly his age, and at the end the usual arting ord : "faree!'. The lain stones
may hae had ainted texts and some, including the inscrition stone, had been used
agﻫin to build a later chamber at Karranah.
mortant artifacls found off Ras A Oalah include a brocne laque of Asleios,
the Gree god of medicine, a ilgrim flas decorated ith the Gree alhabet, and
small terracotta heads in Graeco-Oriental style. The ne foreign customs (Gree
influence) ere fashionable and rofitable, hoeer Bahrain as sitll basically
Arabian. Figurines ere deicted ith Gree dress and ottery as decorated toﺀ
match blac Attic are or Roman Terra sigillnta, hoeer their manufacture as local.
Beginning ith the first century A٠D. small decoratie erfume containers ere
commonly used as grae goods and Tylos as roducing glass to meet local needs.
The franincense trade across Arabia and Ethioia may hae deeloed as early as
the 8th to th cenutries B.C. The incense trade as flourishing during the early Tylos
eriod in Bahrain. n Bahrain the square incense burner as used as a domesitc altar
here aromaitcs ere ritually burned. The incense trade through Bahrain as
siginifcant in the eriod from aroximately 2 B.C. to 2 A.D. due to the demand
for this commodity in the rich Roman and Parthian Emires. The incense as
rasnorted by sih to the ort of Charax, near resent-day Basrah, and rfom Charaxﺍ
godos ere carried by camel caraan to the oasis of Palmrya and on to the
Mediterranean coast.
Wihle nicense and other goods ere traded north, luxury goods such as Roman
glass rfom hte Leant and Syria ere imorted into Tylos. On exﻂﻂbitare ieces of
dleicate Syrian glassare, finely glaed ottery, colorufl glass beads, semirecious
stones, and items of gold and siler. These items relfect hte flourishing rtade ihch
reailed during this time. ron ore, coer ingots and itn ere miorted into
Barhain starting'during the Late Dimlun eriod. hTey ere more commolny smelted
and ored during the Tylos eriod, for eaons and tools. Brone and exensie
itn ere mainly used in items for ornamental use.
hTe Tylos exﻂﻂbitfeatures a madbasa ihch is a structure for collecting the juice of
rsesde dates. This srtucutre is unique to hte coastal area of hte Arabian Gulf.
Although the madansa as in common use during the lslamic eirod, archaeological
excaaitons at hte Barhain Fort area found some dating to hte Middle iDmlun (2nd
milleninum B.C.) and the early Tylos (1st and 2nd centuries .AD) eriods.
hTe lslaimc seciton of this exihbit hall focuses on the sread of lslam, mosques in
Barhain, Waqf texts, abbasid eriod ottery, coinage in Bahrain, forst of the lslamic
eriod, and the groing imortance of agriculutre in the economy. nL 629 A.D.
( A.H) the Prohet Mohammed sent a letter to A1 Muntihr bni Saa lA Tamimi, the
Ruler of Bahrain, calling ihs eole to accet lslam. All agreed excet for some
oroasirtnas, Christians, and Jes. Barhain hten became an imoratnt ronice iihtn
hte raidly groing lslamic emire. Barhain as non as Aal at tihs mite and