Page 113 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 113
ﺃ ﻩ "esidence" ere not reached
t until the 1992 camaign. They
P١٢ ere here sealed by thic
١ Seleuco' Parthian and lslamic
layers, themseles disturbed byﺭ
ﺗﻻ an lslamic necroolis osterior to
the 16th century (2), of hich the
ﺯﻗﻲ study has sloed considerably
the lanned rhythm of the
ﺗﺐﻛﻲ ﺎﻳﺗﻢ. ﺇﺇﺇﻕ--ﺃ ﻑ= ﺩ=ﻭ, ﺇﺏ ecaation. Otherise, all seems
to indicate so far that the
ﻥ٧y ﺇ١ ﺃ remains of the residential art of
the 'Palace of Ueri' belongs
٠-ﺍﻝ -]ﺭ ﺍﺍﺯﻝ1"ﺇ٦ only to the Late Diimun hase,
ﻝ unlie the adjoining religious (2)
ing, clearly established at an
earlier eriod (cf. infra).
Figﻫre 12 Setch-ln of the ecnnted art of At the time of riting, hte
he "esidence" after t١١e 1994 senson. architectural results therefore
aear limited, but do hoeer allo a reliminary areciaiton of the alidiyt of
our architectural hyothesis.
A ast uncoered sace as first of all cleared in the rolongaiton of the eisting
remains (cf. Figure 12). ihTs courtyard, of hich the floor is coated, is of a smaller
sie than e had imagined (about 811m,) but corresonds, in fact, to the dimesnions
ihch e often obsere in official residences or alaces constructed in the Assyrian
area of inlfuence in the ear East. ts est side, comletely ecaated, shos ahtt it
is edged by to rooms (ith ihch it communicates), of ihch one reealed the
trhee loer stes of a stairay.
On the other hand, hte arcihtecutral sector ihch begins to aear to the norht of
this coruytard does not aear to be fundamentally different from the residenital area
(bitanu) clearde to the south: the construciton is of ery good quality (coatings
careuflly alied, trhesholds in cut stone) and one notes the eistence of a batrhoom
ith a double sanitary installation and a drainage system. othing thus indicates os
far ahtt here is an area of ublic and/or administratie character of babanu ty.e
Any concludion therefore ould aear, at this stage of the ecaaiton, to be
remautre: the building in course of ecaaiton could in fact be smaller than as
thought, hich dose not change the ossibility of a Mesootamian architectural
formula it is also ossible that the courytard in quesiton is an uncoered sace
iihtn the bitau itself and taht the larger courtyard searating hte hyothetical
rseidenital and adiminsrtaite aread of the "Palace' in fact eisst, but much fahter to
hte north: in tihs hyohtesis hoeer, the alace comle ould attain unusual