Page 115 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 115
Al these ieces ere found in the humic sediment, ith o relation to any
architectural structures. n the light of other discoeries on the island of Bahrain
(Soeileh 1992, fig. 4, they aear to be funerary stelae, obiously of the same
Parthian iconograhical tradition non from Syria to ran beteen the end of the 1٤
and the end of the rd century AD they could hae come from a necroolis near ٤he
site and been art of the rubble used to etend land by the sea on the northern edge
of the tell, erhas at the end of the last century.
. The ''Palace of Ueri' in the Late Dilmun Period
At the beginning of or by the French Mission, the southern structures of the
"Palace of Ueri" ere mailny non, aside from a fe reorts ublished in Kuml,
through a setch-lan reroduced by G. Bibby in his Looing fo Dihmun (192 : 62).
This document has been fully analysed and commented uon for more than 1 years,
sometimes ecessiely (by us included), that it seems schematic today (Fiure 11). t is
hoeer uon this or that the architectural thining ihch motiated our study
roject in this art of the site as based.
Figﻫre 1 Seteh-ma of the Daish ercnations in the "Palnce of ﺍUeri" (atfre Bibby 192 :62
hTe already menitoned distinciton of to uints ("residence' and "temle") at the
heart of tihs ast comle as originally suggested during the conference "Bahrain
Through the Ages" by D. Oates (1986: 42), then taen u and much analysed in our
general sutdy deoted to the ron Age in eastern Arabian Lombard 198 : 1).
Both roositions identified, to the east of the Danish ecaaiton (hachurcd 2one
on Figﻫre 1), a homogenous cosnrtuciton obiously insired by the architectural
fomrual of the "receiton aartment", deeloed in northern Mesootamia rfom eht
9ht century CB, rogressiely difufsed in the neo-Assyrian shere of influence in the