Page 119 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 119
imortant results acquired in he field in these to distinct chronological d ٠:٠ (
٠٠ a، ،omalrns:
the late historical eriods, laler than the Palace of Ueri': ٠(2) mhe Latue Di,ln١ l eﺭ٤٤١
hich coers an essential art of its occuation. . A reort deoted to the١ earl٦٠.
eriods (Middle and Early Dilmun) ill be deliered later.
. The Late Historical Periods
t should be remembered that the archaeological leels dated to the soalﺍ
"Tylos' (or Seleuco-Parthian, ca. rd cent. BC 2nd/rd cent. AD) hase, as ell sa ٤
the lslamic eriod are not intrinsically related to the residential and religious com
of the "Palace of Ueri', of hich the late stage, as ell shall see, does not aear 1
be later than the th century BC. eertheless, these leels coer and esal ﺙ
architectural remains of the "Palace', to a height of beteen about 8. and 11 m. ٦
note that these later occuations hae been ery disturbed by the defersi
construction of the Portuguese in the 16th century, articularly near the ditch o٤f h
fort here there trace has sometimes comletely disaeared.
Te Middle slaie Phase
To distinct and suerimosed buildings ere brought to light.
earest the ﺕ
face, orientde S١,
E, is a long ﺕan
ro domestic con
struciton (Figure ﺩ
on the light). er
little resered ﺕi
eleation (.2 ٤
.4 m), the ٦ali
reeal an archite
utre of medior
qualiyt the materi
als emloyde ra
Figure 4 Constructions rfon the Middle lslnuic leels (1th to 16th cen٤t. AD) ery heterogenou
(limestone or sandstone, rounded ebbles, slabs of farush, fragments of render or er
used mortar, blocs of coral, little ored blocs coming from the ruins of the CoasH
al Fortress). hTe to largest rooms (about 6 2. m), set by, ossses t٦٥٦
quadrangular cosnrtucted heartsh, set symmetri٠cally on ei..thera'side of hte ١
searatin٠g the to saces a thi٠rd room, more cramed (about 2. m) has
madbasa or an installaiton for the roduciton of syrum h'one'y) from datse (Figﻫ
ititis die, faiiihii t٥ ihe rtadiiftsal ondetion %ً iii rﺓse' %f iً ong ag ﻭii iiiirair
as found if٠lled i٠n and coered ith٠ a coat٠ing layer, eid.ence of a later stage ٥٢١e١e
it as no longer in serice.