Page 117 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 117
T١e Seleuco-arthian Plase (or Tylos Phase)
To leesl are in clear succession.
The uer hase is closely associated ith fhoors and thic alls, usually
resered to a height of .4 to . m, the ecaation not yet being adancde
enough to allo the iecing together of a coherent lan. The archaeological material
recoered from these floors so far contains a large ottery assemblage including osme
comlete ieces, a siler coin, as ell as some fragmentary figurines, 2omorhie or
anthroomorhie,, One of these is the reresentation of a mother-Goddess in the
tradiiton of those roduced by the site of Tha( ﺯFigre ).
Figure Figurine ofmother-godess rfom uer Tlos leel (1st cen٤. BC1st cent. AD).
ihTs indicaiton of a date beteen hte 1st cenutry BC and hte frist cenutyr AD si
aarently cofnirmed by the recent idenitficaiton of the coin ihch aear as a
Characeinan issue : ist reerse menitosn disitnctly one of the ings Attambelos of
Characene, ihtout indicating ihch one, though all of htem rouglhy date to the
same chronological hase, at the utrn of the imllennium.
hTe loer leel, erfectly sealed by the lfoors ihch e hae just menitoned, aaesr
more dififcult to interret in this 2one of the site of Oal'at al-Bahrain. UL to no, no
coherent cosnrtuciton, no lfoor or simle eosed surface could be found in ihts layer
Pottery as abundant, quite different rfom that of hte uer leel it reresenst na
orienatl and helleniing rtadiiton at the same itme and recalls hte ottery matireal of hte
Mseootamian Hellenisitc sites of the rd and 2nd cenutries BC. ihTs date is coifnmde
by a siler tertadracmha, a local imitaiton of a regﻫlar issue rfom Byblos hich e lace
in hte sceond ahlf of the rd cenutry BC (Figﻫre 8 a-b).
oS e osbere taht the occuaiton of htis art of the side during the Tylos iredo
dseo not esem to conitnue beyond the first to cenutries AD. hTe latter, as e hae
eesn, are noatbly rereesnted by a eyr coherent leel, ihch our Dainsh and Frenhc