Page 18 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 18

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                       Till                      CONTENTS.

                                               CHAPTER LX IT.
                               Case of tho vossol called Colonel Navail, 1838 .  517—518

                                              CHAPTER LX III.
                              Plunder of tho cargo of the ship Futhc-ul-Rashman wrecked  near
                                Hen jam by tho Chief of KiBhin. Embargo on her ships visiting
                               Bombay and Mangalore, 1839-1841   .   »        519—530

                                              CHAPTER LXIV.
                              Mahomed Shah's ambitious projects. IIo besieges Herat. Occu­
                               pation of Karrak by tho British. Offers of Shoikh Nasir, 1837-
                               1838   ...............................................................................................  531—542

                                              CHAPTER LXV.
                              Outrages against tho British at Bushiro. Removal of tho Rosi-
                               doncy to Karrak, 1838-1889—
                                  (i) Outrages on the Residency Shroff, November 1838   .  543—645
                                  (ii)  Mirza Amed succeeded Mirza Abbas as Governor. His
                                     anti-British proceedings. Prohibition of export of sup­
                                     plies to Karrak, 1888  .                 540—547
                                  (iii) Outrages on Rear-Admiral Maitland and his 6taff.
                                     Removal of the Residency to Karrak, March 1839  548—558

                                              CHAPTER LXVI.
                              Administration of the Karrak Island, 1838-1811. Expulsion of
                               Sheikh Nasir from Karrak ......                559—563

                                             CHAPTER LX VII,
                                  (i)  Diplomatic relations with Persia broken off. The Persian
                                     Envoy in England. Tho Shah yields and tho British
                                     Envoy returns, 1838-1839   .....         564—585
                                  (ii) Removal of Mirza Amed from Governorship of Bushiro.
                                     The British Envoy returns, Octobor 1841.  566—568

                                             CHAPTER LXVIII.
                             Evacuation of Karrak—
                                  (i) Lord Palmerston’s objections to the proposed purchase
                                     of Karrak from Persia. Evacuation thereof ordered
                                     on certain conditions. Removal of the detachment,
                                     1841-1812   ................................................................  670—572
                                  (ii) Removal of the Residency from Karrak. Resident
                                     returns and speuds his summer at Karrak. Protests .  673—674

                                             CHAPTER LXIX.
                             Occupation of Karrak by a Lar Garrison and then a Shibaz
                              Garrison. The Karragces emigrate, 1842-1843   .   .   .  575—579
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