Page 15 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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CONTENTS.                            y

            6BOTIOX9.                                              PABA01UPU9.

                                    CHAPTER XXXVI.
                    Affairs of the Gulf; Lieutenant MacLeod’s Report, 1823 .  297—299
                                   CHAPTER XXXVII.
                    Question of allowing Pirate Chiefs to build forts  300—306
                                   CHAPTER XXXVIII.
                    Governor’s ndvico to tho Tmam of Maskat and Sheikh of Bahrein
                     as rogards tho former’s claim for tribute, 1822   .   .  307
                                   CHAPTER XXXIX.
                    Intended seizure by Porsian authorities of Bandar Abbas. Tho
                     Imam's compromise of Persian claims .   .   .   •   •  308

                                      Part VI.

                    British policy iu regard to Maskat and tho Maritime Arab
                                     tribes, 1823-1833.
                    Introductory remarks .                             309

                                      CHAPTER XL.
                   British Policy in tho Persiau Gulf, 1828-1829—

                        (i) Important instructions to tho Resident     310
                       (ii) Explanation of articles IV and VIII of the Troaty of
                           1829                                        311
                                     CHATTER XLI.
                   British Policy in regard to Maskat, 1820-1835   .  312—321
                                    CHAPTER XLI—A.
                   British policy in regard to maritime disturbances caused by Imam
                    of Maskat iu proseoutions of his pretensions against Bahrein,
                     1828 ................................................................................................ 321A.—S21C.
                                   CHAPTER XLI—B.
                   Sultan of Maskat’s Treaty with the United States of America,   821D—3210.
                                     CHAPTER XLII.
                   Sultan bin Saggar’s enterprises, 1832-1838       322—836
                                     CHAPTER XLIII.
                   The maritime truce and restriction of the sphoro of maritime
                       (i)  The maritime truce of 1885   .   •   .   •   .  337—345
                       (ii)  Restriction of tho sphere of maritime war .   •   •  34G—353
                       (iii)  The maritime truco, 1885-1813   .   ,   ,   ,  354—865
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