Page 11 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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            SECTIONS.                                               P ABAOB AJPII9.

                                        Part I.

                       British Envoys to Persia and from Persia, 1801—1814.

                    Introductory Remarks                              1—4

                                      CHAPTER I.
                    Haji Khalil's mission to India. His tragic death at Bombay,
                     1802 ....................................................................................  5—19

                                      CHAPTER II.
                    Mahomed Nubi Khan's mission to India            20—21

                                      CHAPTER III.
                    Self-assumed mission of Mr. Manesty to the Court of Persia
                                      CHAPTER IV.
                    Tho Second mission of John Malcolm to Persia and tho Persian
                     Gulf, 1808. Arrival of Harford Jones, His Majesty's Envoy for
                     Persia, at Bombay ........
                                      CHAPTER V.
                    Sir Harford Jones' mission to the Persian Court, 1808-1811  33—39

                                      CHAPTER VI.
                    The projected occupation of the Karrak Island, 1808-1809  40—44

                                      CHAPTER VII.
                    Malcolm's third mission to Persia, 1810-1811 .  45—49

                                     CHAPTER VIII.
                   Mission of Sir Gore Ousley, Henry Ellis and James Morier,

                                      PART II.

                    British Policy in regard to Maskat and the Maritime Arab
                            tribes on the Persian Gulf, 1801-1815.

                                     CHAPTER IX.
                   State of Moskat affairs at the commencement of the 19th century  68—66
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