Page 12 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 12

ii                          CONTENTS.

                        Bbotzohb.                                               Pabaobatqb.

                                                 CHAPTER X.
                                Tho points of difforonco between tho Imam of Maakafc and the
                                 British Government ........                     67^70

                                                 CHAPTER XI.
                                Attempt to establish a French factory "n't Maskafc .  71

                                                 CHAPTER XII.
                                The charges against the Sultan of Mosknt and his explanation  72—80

                                                CHAPTER XIII.
                                Piracies on the Gulf, 1800-1806. Death of Syud Sultan of
                                 Maskat.fcl-Ile-a'ppointment of Residont at Maskat (Captain
                                 Seton) ..........                               81—89

                                                CHAPTER XIV
                               Imam’s expedition against Minab and Bandar Abbas. Captain
                                Seton accompanies the expedition. Protest of Percia against
                                his co-operation. The Joasmis brought to terms aud truce and
                                treaty with them, 18O5-18U0
                                    (i)  Policy Of Syud Bedar^His intended expedition into
                                       the Persian Gulf .......                  90—94
                                   (ii)  The Imam’s expedition hgain6't Bandar Abba6. The
                                       blockade of the Joasmis’ fleet at Kishm in both of which
                                       the British Co-dperato. Proposed peace with tho
                                      Joasmis, 1805   .......                    95—106

                                  (iii)  Alarm of the Persian Government at the operation at
                                       Gombroon. Explanation of the British part played
                                       therein, 1805   .......                  107—108
                                   (iv) Treaty of peace wtfh the Joasmis, 1806   •   .   .  109—110

                                                CHAPTER XV.
                               Expedition against the Joasmis in 1809-1810. In&trfr6tionto to
                                Mr. Bunce, new Resident at Maskat .....         111—182

                                               CHAPTER XVI.
                               The Imam of Maskat’s expeditions against the Joasmis in 1318-
                                1814. His claim for our assistance on the basis of an alliance
                                between him and the British, repudiated ....    133—188

                                               CHAPTER XVII.
                               Agreement of Amir Hassan bin Rehma, Joasmi Chief at Ras-el-
                                Khima, 1815.....................................................................................  138 A

                                  Affairs on the Persian Coast and Islands, 1801—1820.

                                               CHAPTER XVIII.
                               Governors of Bushire, Sheikh Nasir and his descendants •  139—147
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