Page 13 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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CONTENTS.                           iii

           BlCTIOlM.                                                PABAQ&irS0.

                                    CHAPTER XIX.
                   Plunder of tho llcctor and Alert by the Sheikh of Nakheloo and
                    the measures taken for obtaining reparation .   •   •   •  143—160

                                    CHAPTER XX.
                   Insult to Mr. "Williams, Bo. C.S., at Shiraz, 1816  •  167—169
                                   CHAPTER XXI.
                   Shipwreck of the Ariel near Karrak and the humane conduct of the
                     Shoikb, 1820  p                                170-174

                                       Part IV.

                    British ftosidontfi and Agents in the Persian Gulf and at
                                     Alaska t, 1801—1813.

                                    CHAPTER XXII.
                   Residents at Bushire, 1800-1809                  176—188

                                   CHAPTER XX1U.
                   The Maskat Residency, 1800-1809. Abolished in 1809  189—193

                                   CHAPTER XXIV.
                    Reconstitution of the Bushire Residency          194-198

                                        Part V.

                    British Policy in regard to Maskat and Maritime Arab Tribes.
                     Vigorous measures taken for the suppression of piracies and
                     for security of peace in the Gulf. Persian Coast and Islands
                     Affairs, 1818—1823.

                                     CHAPTER XXV.
                   Expedition proposed against tho piratical strongholds on tho
                     Gulf. The lino of policy laid down .   .   .   •   *  199—207A

                                     CHAPTER XXVJ.
                   The measures adopted—
                       (i)  Captain Sadlerr’s .Mission   .....       208—209A
                       (ii)  Capture .of Ras-ul-Khima   .....        210—226
                       (iii)  Designs of Persia ond Maskat on Bahrein •   •   •  227
                       (iv)  Occupation of Ras*ul-Khima by>a British detaohmenfc  228-229
                       (v)  Pacific^ tion of the Pirato Coast .   .   ,   ,  230
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