Page 14 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 14

i T                         CONTENTS.

                       8SCTI02M.                                              Piuaobafub.

                                               CHAPTER XXVII.
                               Tho Preliminary Treaties and the General Treaty of Pcaco, 1820 .   231—284
                                               CHAPTER XXVIII.
                               Arrangements for maintaining; security on tho Gulf. Roraoval of
                                tho dotachiuont from Ras-ul-Khima to tho Island of Kishm,
                                   (i)  Question of arrangements for maintaining security in
                                       the Gulf. Question of romoving our Residoucy from
                                       Bu6hire   ........                      235—235A
                                   (ii)  Removal of tho detachment to the Island of Kishm
                                      with the express written permission of tho Imam of
                                       Maskat   ........                       230—239A
                                   (iii)  Persian protests to the British occupation of tho Island
                                      of Kishm ........                        240—266
                                   (iv)  Origin of Maskat’s title to tho Kishm and Ormuz
                                      Islauds and Bandar Abbas, etc. ....         257
                                   (v)  Question of controlling piratical parts exclusively
                                      through a marine force .   •   .   (•   258-258A
                                   (vi)  Removal of the dctachmont to Salak .   .   •  259—260A

                                              CHAPTER XXIX.
                               Expeditions against the Beui-bu-Ali tribo and British Policy in
                                tho Gulf                                       261—268

                                                CHAPTER XXX.
                              Persian complaints against Mr. Bruce .           269—271

                                               CHAPTER XXXI.
                              Deputation of Dr. Jukes on a Mission to the Gulf. His death by
                                cholera at Shiraz, 1821...................................................... •  272—275

                                               CHAPTER XXXII.
                               Question of removal of the detachment from Kishm discussed.
                                Rupture with Persia imminent. Determination to.send reinforce­
                                ments to Kishm. Removal from Kishm determined   276—286

                                              CHAPTER XXXIII.
                               Unauthorized agreement conoluded by Mr. Bruce with the Prince
                                of Shiraz, September 1822 ................................................................  287—290

                                               CHAPTER XXXIV.
                               Removal of Mr. Bruce and appointment of Lieutenant MacLeod
                                as Resident. Instructions to him .   .   .   .   •  201

                                               CHAPTER XXXV.
                              Withdrawal of tho detachment from Kishm. Instructions regard­
                               ing maritime control over tho Pirate Coast. Rendezvous of
                               the Navy at Magoo Bay, 1822-1823   ............................................  292—296

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