Page 158 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 158


            it ia due to increase of smuggling. Sugar also   state of Fan province undoubtedly helped.*
             showed a Inrgo decline—£23,271. Tfasuss of wool   export trade a great deal. Rates of mule k;*
            also sbowod a considerable decline, this is p«oba-   varied between £tl per ton in April and £15 ^
            bly due to the prohibitive cost of suoh tusuos now.  ton in October.
              On the other band the principal increases in   Rates for merchandise from Bnahirolo Borin
            imports aro matches, ovor £13,000, wood fer  was £1-13-0 per ton. Manv of the nnletecrs
            building over £8,000, loaf sugar over £36,0(k?  using the railway to carry the- merchandise,
            drugs and medicines over £11,000, clothing over  ther have contracted to transport to SUraz, as f,!
            £14,000, Tin lead, rino oto., in Urn over  as liorasjun, where it io transferred to nitlcj
            £62,000; copper and nickol in bars over £21,000 ;  This is a great convenience to the maletccn u
            col ton yarns over £77,000 ; Tissues of cotton  they can leave their mules at Borasjun instead
            over £78,000 ; Tissues not specified over £8,00.0';  having to bring them to Bnrhire and then
            Mercery and Haberdashery over £26,000 ; China  them back to Borasjun on account of the lack cf
            and earthenware over £14,000; Glariwaro over  grazing at tbe former place.
            £23,000 ; manufactured tobacco over £17,000.
              Most of these increases are due to the necessity   Exchange.
            for making good stocks which could not he
            replenished dnring the war. The' increase in   The rates of sterling exchange varied fo-
            " Tissues of Cotton n appear to be due to increa­  Krans 20’G9 to £1 in March 1920 to Krana 351*
            sed price only, as about the usual quantity vras   to £1 in Acgnst 1919, while rupee exebtz,-.
            imported. • The reason for the large increases in   varied from Krans 207*45= El00 in April 1919 ti
            Tin, Zinc, etc., and copper is not very «-l*ar unless   292*35 Kran<= il 100 in August 1919.
            it is dne to tbe import of electric light and tele­  Tbe average rates were Krano 28'83 = £1, Knu
            phone installations.                  261-25 =fil00.
                                                    The rate at which statistics on this report Lit*
                            Export.               bees calcul ated is Krans 26 to the pound.
              The export as mentioned above increased by
            £522,506. Of this the increase in exports to India   Rainfall.
            amounted to almost £283,000 as compared with   The rainfall throughout Southern Persia in tbs*
            exports of 1918-19. Exports to the United   cold, weather of 1919-2 0 was good if rather lit*'
            Statesof America increased by nearly £18,000,   and resulted in a good harvest in 1920, spoill h
            to Japan by over £12,000, to. Hongkong by over   maoy parts by locusts. The harvest of 131/
            £134,000, and to Bahrein by £38,000. On the   was not a good one.
            other hand exDoits to Singapore decreas'd by orer
            £11,000, to Mesopotamia by over £10,OJO and to   The rainfall at Busbire was 1212 inches agti-
             Oman by over £12,0.0.                nst 3'06 invbes the previous year and an ave.ij:
                                                  of 2*42 inches.
              The principal increase* in expoits were almonds,
            pistachios, et*^ over £19,000, inm Tragacaoth     Public healtlu
            over £112,009. cotton raw over £14,009, rarpets
               0.000, Tobacco unmanufactured over £55,000,   There was no epidemic of plague or cholera u!
             •kins £12,000. The only considerable decrease   Bushire or South Persia during the year, nor
             was opium which, though showing an increase on   there any appreciable reorudence of influenza c
             1918-19, declined by £68,0U0 on the average of   epidemio form, though sporadic cases occurred.
             the previous two years.
                   Commur(cation with Interior.
                                                    The rate for general argo was H30 per 1®
              Owing to the presence of British Indiin Troop*  Throughout the greater part of the year practii®*:
             throughout the year the Bushire-Shiras road was  all shipments to London were by tramhipmert f
             practioally safe, and motor conroTs went along it  India; towards the end of the year some of tb
             although parts were unfinished. The Bushire-  direct steamers from England recommenced re*
             Borasjun Railway was opened for civil traffic  rung. The rates for the principal comniodite1
             in May 1919, and helps to expedite cargo, though  were.
             as mentioned above it is too short|to be of very   Almond* tsd Pistachios   . £7per toarflfret
             much use. The safety of the road naturally assis­  Qam trs^scafith   # .  . £7-5-0 perU* « c*t
                                                      Carpets .
             ted trade. This combined with the improved  Ojrua •   ,   *  ! £28 pc7 cb*t of lrf ^
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