Page 163 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 163

             •to. a-A.—Principal Imports into Bushire from »1I Sources during the yean 1917-18,
                                   1918-19 and 19x9*30—could.
                                               Valo*.                Wziojjt*.
                                       1917*18.  1918-19.  1919-20.  1917-18.  1918-19.  19I5-J0.

                                         £       £       £     Tons.  Tons.   Tons.
             •iircifl of cotton, pluthrs, etc.   10,639  12,139  11,200  16  14   9
              of pi re wool .   ,        43,510  49,196  28,8*2   33     27      16
              lhA"l> of wool             2,558   2,053  3,611
              of wool mixed witli cotton  35,450  47,699  25,503  52     47      19
                                          632      59   1,633     10      1      18
              of flax and Hemp  .        3,210    259             37      S
              tf«a .                     6,757  13,130  18,074    2       3       8
              of rili'm'xed wi:h cotton ,   19,415  34,200  21,369  11   16      11
              i Embroidery   ,   .       3,695   6,255  10,913
              sot specified „   .   .    F,259   8,^53  20,026
              :4 cordage «   •           1,084   2,122  1,202     29     20      28
              tod Haberdaihery  .        16,557  19,405  42,637  • M
              n                           736    1.469   850      2       8       6
              x frixtiDg, writing, etc, .  3,:3d  4,122  8,431    32     26      61
              ’.sare                     5,012  10,936  16,276    6       9      12
              nre tod China .            1,212   6,371  17,303    U              80
              L' prodxcta ...            2,355   3,649  3,742     26     23      42
              pbical and Lithographies! products  553  1,012  2,605  4    7      12
              QAcufactured               2,586   6^57   £2,124     6     11      31
                                         27,641  37.891  9,489    31     34      10
              n                          1,5:8   6£45   2<s579    11     24      CO
              ■44                         138                      2             20
              18ilrer thread   .   .   ,  2,177  1,216  V»75       2      1       4
              d cfl; embroidered with silken ihrea   472  4J18  4,816
              iv tad dried ....            185    101   4,224             1      IS
              J*d rad rarni-hed   .   ,    74           4,180                     5
                   .............................  1,196  219  M66  10     S.     12
                                         51,876  9,551  14.711
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168