Page 162 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 162

           Table No. a-A.—Prlnclpallmports into Buslilre from all Sources during the jears 1917-18,
                                         ' 1918-19 1919-20.

                                                 Valck.                W XIODTH.
                      Art idea.
                                         1017-16.  1918-10.  1919-20.  1917-18.  1918-19.  1919-20.

                                            t      £       £     Tons.  Tons.   Tm*.
           Hatchet   .   .                   303   5,759  18.801     2     31     113
           Wood for building               12,104  6,427  17,908  1,008    181   W1
           Wood not apedSed                 1,396  11,198  . 7,367  646   1,670  1,162
           Wine*                             621    203     r.56     1      1       2
           Wlu*hj and fyirita               2,679  4,7:6   7.347    10     13      a
           Beer eta.  .   ,                  437   1,422   4*988    11     21      73
           CatxCoa   .                     11,578  31474  27.128   110     261    1C6
           (Joal and Charctal               4,689  5,410   4,80-0  387     479    373
           Ccffea   .   •                    573    313     237      4      2       1
           Butter   .   •                   7.S03  17,119  12.-288  47     83      67

           Rica                           141,163  110,033  52,951  6,616  3,998  1,91$
           Floor                           79,765  21,575  18.038  4,093  1,022   711
           Wheel                           47,021  3°85     617   2,238    192     24
           Barley                          44,«01  3,033  42,625  2,916    209   3,319
           Other Grain*                     6/79   7,737  5,420    287     306    163
           Loaf sugar                     181,731  95,463  194,-606  2,433  1,146  2,751
  and Soft Sugar        609,825  476,658  406388  13,058  10,892  5,959
           Th6, •                         145,501  576,169  312^60  573   1,928   760
           Drags and Median ea             9,486  17355   24321
           8picaa                          31,698  45,629  15341   427     458    121
          — Clocking *-                     9379  11351   24,649     1   . ...2    Z
           Ki    oU                         6,251  2351   13,179   265     76     325
           Ina ud Steal ia hart, etc.' •     35     284   2,764             4      45
           Ira aad Steel raufaduraa         2,081  6,428  1139S     18     21      77
           Tin, Lead and Ziia in ban, plate*, etc   11,774  6,483  71335  35  15  179
           Capper and aldd In ban •   .      569    124   2U950      t      1      27
           Mineral product* not aprdfied     867   1328     934    160     26S    3«9
           Cotton jarni ••   .             47,296  67,545   . 129382   242  190   32S
           Hionea of ootto*               850,978  1,106, IT*  1,056,797  2,648  2,167  2299
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167