Page 159 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 159

          a.rc£Andl9e forwarded Inland from Dushlre for Shiraz and places ca route by varlouj route*
                         during tbe year, March aist, 1919 to March ant, 1920.
                                                    To Dxistiitut, Tat-
                                                   0I9TAX, BC BAB/OX JLSD  Bj railway   Total for-
                          DiBBCT fox Siiibiz vid   r/«f3hiof  otubb Dormers accru   to Borasjun  ■warding* (•
                              Fibczabad.            of Sjmsaz : (tabtlt  a&1 part!/   Shiras sod
             Merchandise.                   for Shiraz   FOB BBfOtWAIDIXO TO  foT rilorward-   places cu
                                            and places   Kazbbuj mi) Snisiz).  inz to Shiraz  route throarh
                                            c» route.
                                                                    and places e%  rariotu roads
                                                                      route.  and means.
                         Males.  Cuncls. Donileys.  Males. Camels. Donleys.
                          Tons.  Tons.  Terns.  Tens.  Tons.  Toms.  Tons.  Tons.  Tons.
          Crystal and *>ft rogar  04  63  732  292    S|   16|  205              3.U5!
          teif srjar        36    24    1M      245         >5   38                068
          Piece g ods     1.270  1.320  1514    22    31 !  8    23J             3,**|
          Celt go yams      HI    105    374     4    4           2       142      382|
                           342    178    Cl     13    2J    64    84   •   4104  1.021
          fpices .  ’ •     63    274    50J     4    4     4    18       504
          Uitcbrt .         36    104    5        4   14                  43
          S»r«eoe .         18     C     23     135   4     1    26       34
          lhberdialiery .   293   484    26      2    4     4     3       221
          Liqoon •           9     1     2
          tap                            3        4                4       2
          8*                 2           74    1«4    4    18    1094     180
          Hoar               1           104    13                1        H
          Kleit . *                      U       9              ' 73      76
          Barley            104          S4    132    1    i     78     1,493
          D»tes _   .                             A               1
          Ticarlnd .                             25   4                    is
          Cisdje* •         m     174    63      9                7       64
          aiicf’aneous      794    8     17      3}   54    S     84       12
          Cariiid hotter     1           14      2                *4
          Bans xad peas                          14                        14
          fin                 4                  3                1        14
          Block tie                1     36      1
          lion              ill    34    105                       4      21 H
          C<pr«r .                 34    64
          Ttr .                       • 61                        a        34
          Drags and Medicines   2
          Luther .            4    1     1
          Fronacn*           1           a
          Flanks            434           *         • ••
                Totals    2.470  1.8174  1^574  692  18|   127|  6035   1.9465   18,1224
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164