Page 247 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 247

         TABLE No. 3 ••A."—Imports into the port of Bushirc from different countries during the years
                   1920-21 and 1921.22, classified according to Persian Customs—could.

                                                         Yaiue.        W SIGHT.
             Article*.             Coant rid.
                                                     1920-21.  1021-22.  1920-21.  1921-23.

                                                        £      £     Tons.   Tons.
         Oirn, e'c-      Mesopotamia .                   139     4   No. 29  No. 1
                        Inc s                                    11           .. 1

                                             Total       139     15  No. 29  No. 2
            and goat    K evert .                         2          No.  2
                        Mesopotamia •                     3          • •  4
               .   .                      141     4   , 2u3       8

                                             Tots!       144     4   No. 2C9    8

         rood for building  India \                     3,65li  31)23   104    343
                        Oran                             172    220     29      64
                                                         20      12      1       1
                        Kavrit                  1        223     82     18      6
                        Zaizfr&r               «        1,129   792     179    100
                        Bair, in                         61      «1      4      4
                         Mcicat .                                21              2
                                             ToUl      5,067   4211     335    620
         Xinufictured wood  In£a !             4   r     652   1,017    34      30
                        CtLsr contric#  - V *                    1

                                             Total       652   1/)18    24      SO
         Yotd not specified  All countries                       47             25
          (tiresood, etc.)  Bahrein                     256     130     63      64
                        M oepetamia                      0)6    147     191     83
                        Kuweit .                         16              4
                        Oman .                         1,685            284
                        Murat .                           3              1
                        India •                         894    1,134    166    549

                                             Total     3,658   1,458    699    611
         T"»w, sparkling .  France                      608      6       3
                        United Kingdom                   106    134              1
                        India .                          316             1
                        Hollutd •                         8
                        Italj                                    33

                                             Total      1,037   171      t       I
   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252