Page 249 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 249



          $LE No. 3 •* A ”—Imports into the port of Bushlrc from different countries during the years
                  1930-31 and 1931*33, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                         Vaium.        WlICITf.
             Articles,             Coantriec.
                                                     1920-21.   1921-23.  1920-21.  1921-22.

                                                       £       £     Tons.   Ton*.
                        Rihrrin . .                     479             18
                        Ixdia .   •                    4,336  10,478   166    669
                        Mesopotamia .                    4<J    26      2       2
                        Osian                                  213             II
                        O.hcr countries                  4      17              1

                                            Total      4.8G5  10,733   176    633

          ,'oj ac'3 Oats •  Mesopotamia               11.037   514     803     41
                        India .                        6,180         ■ 292    282
                        Kavrcit .                             4,(38
                                                               960             59

                                            Total     17,517  5.622   1,096   3S3

                        India .                        6,706   225     172    114
                        Bahrein .                        49             2
                        Mesopotamia                      16     31      1       1
                        Xcrreit .                               55              1

                                            Total     6,771    311     176    111

          mldilla      InAs         r.                66,576  34,739         1,215
                       Mesopotamia .                    24
                        V'limo                          319
                       Other countries                         482             IS
                       Unseat •                                 23             1

                                            Total     66.91S  25,244  1^06   yj4

          kTno »nd TermUeHs  United Kingdom            274     162      S      1
                       India    .   •                  222     117      1      1
                       United State* of America          9      S
                       Mesopotamia   *   .                      1
                       Other countries   •                      S

                                            Total      606     287      I      S
   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254