Page 248 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 248

                i •' .- »• ' <  *.   . ;mn •  •! ! r S T r.' r,i . .. <   ...   ' ;   •   '  •   j
                TABLE No. 3 “A"—Imports Iplo tl>$ port of.Busliirc from different countries during the
                           192001 and 1921-22, classified according to Persian Customs—could.

                                                                 Vaick.        Wiioht.
                                           ■ ~i
                     Article*.             Countries
                                                             19JO-21.  1531-22.  1P20-2L  )»k«

                                                                JC     t     Ton*.
                t     1
                Fruit, preserved .  United Kingdom              357     219      2     :
                                 India                          265     429      4
                                Other e Antrim                   c9      1
                                 Mesopotamia •                           2

                                                     Total      681     651      C
                YegcUblc oil (other)  United Kingdom            216              2
                                 India .   .                    21*              4
                                                     Total      4S2              4      i

                YegeUhle, fresh or drj or  India . ;• .        3.GC9   4,152   liO
                  preferred.     United Kingdom                 390     61       2     r.i
                                 Mesopotamia .                  645     317     17     2.
                                 Other conntriea                 67     167      2     1.

                                                     Total     4,671   4,697    141

                                 Bahieia                                    No. 1,00)   I
                Fiih,- fresh, drj, preferr­  Ind’a •            247              2   -J
                  ed, etc.       Otw .   •                             1,117   157     *2
                                 Bahrein .                              185     JO
                                 United Kingdom :                       3.'      1     J
                                •United State*.of America.       62
                                 Meeopotama .                    : 3     6
                                 ^Ufcat .                       108             12
                                 Other countries                 79     365
                                                     Total     3.768  ' 2,009   131
                ‘•Sugar loaf and candj ; Osfntanr------- ;     2701             32
                                 United KingJota                                64
                                                               JU24      3
                                                              46.969  30,692   697
                                 iDdinChina .                   484              6    5-:
                                 India ;                      66,0-12  ..49,346  K3
                                 Belgium                      42,565  39,017   39)    C
                                 Java « Z.                       13
                                 fl onrlcMig' *                 619              S
                                 Mesopotamia .                 U79              U
                                 F lanes ,                            24,693
                                                     Total    172,091  143,761
   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253