Page 251 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 251
TAliLE No. 3 " A."—Imports Into tlic port of Busliirc from different countries durlog the years
*' 1920-21 and 1921-22, classified according to Persian Customs—could.
Value. Who nr.
Article Count rift.
1920-21. If 21-22. 1930-21. 1921-22.
£ £ Ton*. Ton*.
Safer. • Oils* o • 37.K31 21,788 410 410
Ejffjit . 8,108 25
Ho-glcone 133,193 1,455
I ndia . . 194,321 100.135 2,012 1,920
•T . . 173,037 113.236 2.102 2,935
Unhod Kingdom 20 501 4
Irxl^China COS 65
Bab.-tin . 45
Mesopotamia • 5S0 8
Japan 149
Other countrico 29
Total 648,043 212 759 6,138 6.4SO
Bahrein . •
Tea . 490 3 •••
India 181,547 4i,81B 782 395
Java 3 SO 1
Ku»eit . • 590 3
Mesopotamia . 886 5
Chi=a . F54 4,653 3 17
Hoigfcong 4.170 16
OtL«r countries 31 144 1
Total 188,718 46,512 813 413
Dmgi not *pccifi<d United Kingdom • 9,156 - 6.727 27
India . . s *,375 3,777 35
Germany . , 437 2,051
S-K-iizerlard 4S6 825 1
Fr&xce . . 698 1^36 2
China . 153
Un’r.ed States of America 17) 110
Java . • • 682
Japan • • 18
Other countries 1C9 104
Total 16,356 14,007 72
Srom United Kingdom 142 103 1
India . 9 424 4,279 114 68
Muscat . 71
China 46V 2
Otnaa 86 8
Other countries 1
118 201 1 4
Total 9,679 6,209 116 88