Page 254 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 254
Tabic No. 3 u A.”—Import* Into the port of Busbirc from different countries during the
1920-31 nnd 1921-22 classified according to Persian Customs—-contd.
Value. w«ioiit.
Article*. Countries.
1920-21. 1921-21 1920-21.
£ £ Ton*.
Tin. lead tod xino in Other enuntrir* 4
lirs, etc. United Kingdom 3,019 410 13
China . 281 6 1 t
India 2.016 817 5
France . 9 I
Italy 900
Total 6,249 2^30 19 j
Matafadon* of tin, lead United Kingdom 353 1
and rrnc. India 3S:J 1
Otl.ex co an trie* 63
Total 789 2
C <ypex and Nickel in United Kingdom 9,446 2.010 40
fcarj, plate*, etc. India - . 2.79S 2,1*48 12
Other coant fie* 16
Total 12,279 4,074 62
Mancfactwta of copper India 583 61 1
and nickeL Other countries 207 19
Total 790 80 1
Time* of cotton and aslk United Engdi 4,319 9,108 3
India . 1,426 2.973 1
Fraaea . 2,411
Italj . 11,181
Mesopotamia 61
Germany 2.124
Other errantries 268 6
Total 6,033 27,864 4
Tdrctc and pluahea of hw« • • 73 1,059
India 1.983 1,069 2
United Kingdom 4.701 4,377 8
Italy 447
J*p«a . 23
Germany , 130 • ••
Mesopotamia . 8
Total 6,767 7,103 6
India* sbavla 1 India . 1,136 778