Page 257 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 257
y»b!e No. 3 ** A."—Imports Into the port of Bushire from different coantric* during the jear*
1930*31 and 1931-33 classified according to Persian Customs conii-
Value. Wbioht.
/rtide. Countries.
% 1921-22-
lt-20-21. 1921-22. 1&20-2L
£ £ Tods. Iona.
Specie India . . 37.P73
United Kingdom 1,378
Orun 102
- Mtaopotamia . 1.062 1,929
Bahrein . 1^.1 5,891
Knwcit . 1^2C8
Chhor coaotriofi. 3,013
Total. 43,034 10,868
Odd sod Silver Manu India . • 3'4 1.371
facture*. UaiUd Kingdom 61 413
B&hrein • . 270
France . . 499
It»lj 631
Japan 223
S-itrerland • 517
Other countries 31
Total 742 3,556
Mamiaiuai Manufac India • . . 601
tory*. J»pan . 129
Undcd Kingdom 2*
Other com.trios 31
Total 785
Ston« worked and India 224 2
on varied.
Mmenl Product# not India . 232 127 17 39
tpcuild. Oman . , 139 14 fc
I ahrein . 27 3
Other countric* 33 41 1 t
Total 431 182 21 53
Cotton Tams United Kingdom 9,316 XO68 20 IS
India 39,489 22,-U 137 11S
J»tan • . 346 *
Other coon tries 376 S
Total 47.371 25.468 159 137