Page 260 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 260

                Table No. 3 •• A. Imports Into tlic port of Busliirc from different countries during the
                               1920-31 and ip 31-32 classified according to Person Customs—contd.

                                                                 Vxiuz.        w«ight.
                     Article*.           Coin trie*.
                                                             1920-21.   1921-22  M20-2L  1V21-2J

                                                              £       £      Ton*.  T««.
               Taper Maaulacturts  United Kingdom               ICS     91
                                India                            C<9    200      1
                                France .                         3d     lui
                                Other roantriee                   6      7

                                                    Total       23 •    102      1     1

                Per turnery •   United Kingdom                  4 17    217            1
                                Indi. ,                         333     91
                                Japan                           193     »U
                                France .                        WiO    57 S     1      1
                                Other countries                  63     i8S

                                                    Total      1.555*  1J4I      1     2

                Seine, raw, ealted, elfc. .  India .             f-5     1
                                Kuweit                          10 r
                                Mesopotamia .   ,                3t
                                United Kingdc.m                 271
                                United stat«* of America         a»
                                J-pan                            2Z
                                Oman                                    56
                                Other countries   .                    117             3
                                                    Total       631    177             3
               Siin«, irai. tanned and   India •   •           1J03S  L52R      8      4
                 varnished.     United Kiugd/nn                 421     19
                                Urit»-d State* of America      1/XH
                                Other eonutiieu                  25    322
                                France .                               166

                                                    Total      2J5C2  2,045     S      4
                Leather Manqfactuiee .  India   .              4.0*»   3,«»16   S      5
                                Un;'ed State* of America       2 2/ 9   Z.S65   6      3
                                Ui-;ted Kingdom ,              2,630   1,761    t      i
                                France                         1,64*   358      l
                                Mesopotamia .                    59
                                I‘al 7   ...   .               U*7           •m      *** 1
                                Other countries '               260    365
                                                    Total     13J&45  7,369     is    It
   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265