Page 264 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 264
Tabic No. 3 11 A.”—Import! into the port of-Bushlrc from different countries during lbeyeV|
193001 and 193102 classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
Taxuk. Who m
Articles. Countries.’
1920*21. 1921-22. 1920-21.
£ £ Tom. Tern.
Gan«, rcTolrera, etc India . . !« 85
United Kingdoa 222 26 •••
Total 3U 111
Olire oil Tnd:a . 93 1,569 I|
United Kingdom 59 21
France . 29
Other countries 61
Total 181 1,644 17
Spieei not ijecified China • 146
India . 2,105 V>
United Kingdim 92
Ilong Kong 469
France 2
Other countries 90 64
Total 2,502 2,639 r
Cotton toDes India . 67 98
United Kingdom 146 706
France 127
Other countries 37 49
Total 260 979
Ships sad boats . India 69 369 11
Bahrein . 60
Other countries 12
Total 119 881
Other articles of mtrchsn* United Kingdom 205 172
dies not a periled in Francs , , , 701 9 *~ (
Uriff. India . 226
Other counirim 36 34
Total 942 411