Page 261 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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Table No. 3 “A.”—Imports Into the port of Bushire from different countries during the yean
1920-21 and 1921-22 classified according to Persian Customs—canid.
Talc*. VTkioht.
Article*. Countrio*.
1920-21. 1121-22. 1920-2 L 1921-22.
£ £ Tons. Ton*.
Chiu* *ad Porcelain United Kingdom * 2,004 825 16 6
India . 1/33 780 8 S
Japan 2,068 1,291 9 8
Germany 32
Prance . 72
Oihfir count riea 47 M
Total 5.S16 3,020 32 19
Chemical Product* Unitfcd Kingdom • i 2/20 109 27 12
Bahrein 1
India 1*923 1,009 U 23
Other fcotintne* » 10 10(i
Total 5,706 1,324 60 33
Typographical and Litho- United Kingdom 19 327 2
grapkical Product*. India ; . 1,112 1.341 C 7
Japan « 4 ...
Banrein . 13 ui
Mesopotamia .. 497 iii 1
Switzerland , 8 ,11
Otter coontrie* 13 112 •ii
Total 1,161 2.285 5 10
Soap perfumed United Kingdom 383' 131 1
India . . 127 117
Jilpan 4 , 63 64
France ; • a.. 2*1 • •t 1
Other couutriw i 60 16 • M
Total 633 £74 1 1
other* .
&?'■*. . 120 17 1
United Kingdom 621 43 U
Otiier ooahtriei .
Total *553 613 60 11
Tobacco unmanufactured India . i 90 13
United Kingdom US 84
Total 203 97 • ft