Page 258 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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Tabic No. 3 « A.”—Imports Into the port of Bushire from different countries during the years
ipso-ai and 1921-22 classified according toPcrsiao Customs—eonid.
Vjlwk. Waiont.
Aitieln. COQOtms.
1920-21, 1921-22. 1920-2L 1921-21
£ £ Ton*. Tow.
Tutors of Ccitoa . United Kingdom 426,909 269.134 830 49
India 219.819 329,970 486 99
Franco . 1,180 485 2
Mesopotamia . 7,888 3,128 48
lUly 13,961 3,337 21
Japan . 12
Belgian 519
Other coantriea 873 441 2
Total 670,630 696,055 1,388 1,509
Tlareei of c<tton embroi India . . , 1,300
dered will wool. United States of America . 30
Total 1,330
Ifercery and Hardware . Unit'd Kingdom 6,368 2,5-13
India . 7,670 7,104
Japan . 6,740 2,409
United States of America 1.469 •404
Franca 1,225 4,923
Italr . 600
j6JF* • 913 535
TurLer . 2,2z2 139
Genmaay 316 3,514
>wcdm , 875
Belgium. 72
Auatria 1,409
Other countries 178 264
Total 26.651 23,616
Glaiaea and Kurort United Kingdom f05 319
India . . . 637 838
Japaa . 493 252
Kramna. 451
United State* of America 46
Other conatries 33 1,978
Total 1,668 3,934
Fnraitorw . India 712 3,116 4 26
United 8tate« of America 63 31
United Kingdom . 1,166 411 S 6
Franc* , . . 147 90
Japaa , . . 99 106
G*ranaay , 411
Other c«ontrv* , 69 333
Total 2,235 4&Q1 7 39