Page 256 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 256
Table tfo. 3 " A."—Imports Into the port of Bushlre from different countries during the
1920-21 and 1921.22 classified according to Persian Customs—cc*td. 1
Valuk. Wkjobt.
Articles. Coc nines.
1929*21. 1921-22. 1920-21. 1921-2!
£ £ Tons.
Tissues of silk and cotton United Kingdom 31.876 P.108 14
India . . 8.015 2.973 3
France . . 8.959 2.111 1
Italj 7,309 :n.i« 3
Germans . 2,124
Other countries 650 07
Total 34.8R? 27,864 21
Ti»sues of silk, embroi- United Kingdom 2<I9
de.-ed with silk. Jfalj . .
Total 418
Gold and silver thread . India B26 507
United Kingdom 1,209
France . 561 42
German/ . • m 223 I
Other countries 12 46
Total 2,608 818
Law and embroider/ United Kingdom 1,910 415
France . 944 498
India 1.499 1,371
Italj . 1,284 531
Switreriand 237 617
China . 399
Japan • . 116 223
Total 6.393 3,555
Tosses not specified United Kingdom 3,319 309
India 1,542 634
Mesopotamia . 678 491
Oman . . 2 1
Italy 1,898 10
Switzerland 1.001
Japan . . 987 38
France . LOW 169
Other countries \ 79 147
Total 10,461 1.800
Ropes and cordage India . • 1,021 406 22 1
Kuweit . 76
Other countries 13 2
Total 1,110 410 27