Page 263 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 263
<* A.”—Imports into the port of Bushirc from different countries during the years
Table No. 3
7920-21 nnd i9ai-2a classified according to Persian Customs—contd. Weight.
Article*. Countries.
1920-21. 1921-22. 1920-21. 1921-23.
£ t Tons. Tons.
India • . 167 214 1 2
Ctf« •
Other countries 52 23
Total 209 237 1 2
into unil ion India 399 2
United Kingdom 0 • 72
Total 171 3
l!ilk pre-erred Tuidta . . 158 1,511 14
Oiher countries 42 67
Total 200 U78 14
Uafedicaeay Izndim . 603 389 2 3
United Kingdom 903 247 5 2
Japan 10* 1
Other countries 15 65
Total 1,531 701 8 5
-at prtstrred . Frunoc • . » , 45
I miia . . . , 72 C6$ 12
United Kingdom 77 231 1
United of States of America 26
Otlher countries , 26
Total 230 922 ••• 13
f*Vl**7 . India Pit 619
Untried Kingdom 423 3u6 23 2
United States of America 877 52
Mesopotamia . . 782
Prunes 49
Austin* ... 117
Oihiftr countries . 19 156
Total 3,638 U28