Page 265 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 265
Table No. 3 a A.”—Imports i.tfo the port of Busblrc from different countries during the years
1920-21 and 1921*22 classified according to Persian Customs—cotiid.
Yalui. Wkioht.
Article*. CotatricA.
192>21. 1921-22. 1920-21. 1921-22.
t £ Tons. Tons.
Window glass United Krnglom 1,515 4
Bel pi am . . 288 3
Other countries 37
Total 1,870 7
Rubber sheets United Sta-tcr of America • 10
India • • . • 83 <•*
Total 120
Goloihes India ... 993 18
United Kimedon 2
Uiu'ted Sta-tesof Ameriea 4 3.631
France . 155
Germany . 798
Mesccotamia . 2 — ' e 1
.Total 997 4,609
Cement India 993 538 S3 30
United Kingdom 6
Total 999 538 53 30
and niolaasess 17 •••
India 16 127
Yarns for tailoring, etc, . United Kingdom «
1,251 11 I
India . 3,283 §
Japaa . 669 ••• 11
United Stance of America 30 « 1
Other countries 19 • •• • ••
Total 12j026 f.148 21 U