Page 270 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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             Table No* j »* B.M—Export* from th* Port of Bushlre to different countries during the ye4r|
                        1920*21 and 1921-22 classified according to Persian Customs—eontd.

                                                               Vamjs.        Wiiobt.
                  Articles.             Cost trice.
                                                           1930*21.  1921-22.  1920-21  1921-21

                                                             £       £     Tons.  Tom.
             Drags cot spccifcd  Bahrain .                    709             32
                             India                           4,9(5   3,028    €2     n
                             Kuweit .                         130              4
                             Mesopotamia .                    405     43      19      1
                             Uaicai .                         202             10
                             Oman                              45     45       2      3
                             United Kirgdom                   111     44       3      3
                             Other oocntrioe                          180             7
                                                  Total      6.5 *7  3,316   132     :*

             SpKCS           India .                          162     68       3      2
                             Other count rice                  29     25              I

                                                  Total       191     SS       3      S

             Carpet* of wool  United Stalee of America       6,7-16            6
                              India                         69,712  44,633    80    111
                              Mesopotamia .                 11,524   4,706    26      <
                              United Aiagdotn               68,602  28,804    48     a
                              EjfJpt -                       4,196  65,226     4     ;;
                              Oman     9                               7
                              Muscat                                 1,733
                              Belgium                                 856             1
                              Other countries                3,850   6,900     6     2
                                                   ToUl     144,630  151366  170    1C

             Tiirues of wool  Oman                             68     177
                              Mesopotamia .                   216
                              India                                   611
                              United Kingdom                           17
                              Other co no tries                60     299   • ••
                                                  Total       384    U034

             Mercery and Haberd-                              166              S     1
              a Arrj.         Iadja .   .                             114          •••
                              United Engdcn
                                                                      12    •••    "* 4
                              Other countries                         298
                                                   Total      166     639      S
   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275